
Our Product

Argus X2 & Argus X2 S


Argus X2 & Argus X2-S supports printing clothes of various thicknesses such as T-shirts, polo shirts and hoodies.Concurrent white and color ink printing technology is adopted with white ink as base layer and color inks printed concurrently on white ink positions to reduce print cycle time. Two printing stages with RICOH Gen 5 print head. First, a base layer of white ink is paved as canvas for millions of color ink drops to form a pattern on the Textile to create your image.

Key benefits:

1. RiCOH G5 printhead technology.

2. Concurrent white and color ink printing technology is adopted with white ink as base layer and color inks printed concurrently on white ink positions to reduce print cycle time.

3. Different printing modes can be selected for white ink

4. Hot folders are preset with different colors, media size and print modes

Specificatons: Argus X2

Technical specifications:
Print heads RICOH Gen 5 Print Head
Number of print heads 5
Resolution 600×600dpi(2pass) 600×1200dpi(4pass) 600×1800dpi(6pass) 600×2400dpi(8pass)
Ink set CMYK+3W
Ink type Water-based pigment ink
Printing method Scanning
Substrate Supports printing clothes
of various thicknesses
such as T-shirts, polo
shirts and hoodies
System components:
No. of Pallet 2
Max print size 410mm*500mm
Pallet working mode Loading on one pallet
while printing on another pallet
Print mode Uni-directional / Bi-directional
Loading and unloading method Dual Pallet – Manual
loading and unloading in turn
Ink supply method Automatic ink supply and degassing module
Cleaning method Automatic cleaning with
ink scraping
Negative pressure method Independent negative pressure, Servo motor
drive + linear motor
Motion control Supports carriage Z-axis motion
Environment Control Automatic humidifying
Equipment specifications:
Equipment dimensions 3000mm×1668mm×
Equipment weight 740kg
Power Single-phase220V,

Specificatons: Argus X2 & Argus X2-S

Technical specifications:
Print heads RICOH Gen 5 Print Head
Number of print heads 10
Resolution 600×600dpi(2pass) 600×1200dpi(4pass) 600×1800dpi(6pass) 600×2400dpi(8pass)
Ink set CMYK+3W
Ink type Water-based pigment ink
Printing method Scanning
Substrate Supports printing clothes
of various thicknesses
such as T-shirts, polo
shirts and hoodies
System components:
No. of Pallet 2
Max print size 410mm*500mm
Pallet working mode Loading on one pallet
while printing on another pallet
Print mode Uni-directional / Bi-directional
Loading and unloading method Dual Pallet – Manual
loading and unloading in turn
Ink supply method Automatic ink supply and degassing module
Cleaning method Automatic cleaning with
ink scraping
Negative pressure method Independent negative pressure, Servo motor
drive + linear motor
Motion control Supports carriage Z-axis motion
Environment Control Automatic humidifying
Equipment specifications:
Equipment dimensions 3000mm×1668mm×
Equipment weight 740kg
Power Single-phase220V,

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